Welcome! I am glad you’re here.
If you are here, you may be concerned about your mental or emotional heath. Or maybe you are struggling with a personal relationship. Or perhaps you are trying to navigate a high conflict divorce or recover from narcissistic abuse.
Maybe you are feeling hopeless, depressed or anxious and don’t even know why.
Whether you are seeking help as an individual, couple or parent, I can help you learn the skills to understand and not to judge yourself, reduce your anxiety and uncertainty and transform your life!
The single best predictor of children becoming either perpetrators or victims of domestic violence later in life is whether or not they grow up in a home where there is domestic violence
"The woman attracted to the narcissist was raised to believe she has no inherent worth, and the narcissist is just a confirmation of what she has already learned, and has not been healed."
“When a woman has been lied to, manipulated and cheated on with money, as well as constantly demeaned and belittled for over two decades by her husband, she finally wakes up, realizes and accepts, that his rage and envy projected onto her, had nothing to do with her, and everything to do with him.”
-Dr. Linda Olson
You don't have to suffer in silence.
I can't do it for you “AND” (Not “BUT”) I can do it with you.
However, difficult and painful experiences are not a prerequisite for therapy. You may simply wish to work towards becoming your very best self. I can help you navigate your path to achieving your full potential and living your most fulfilled life.
We will work together to help you decrease self-doubt and confusion and bring clarity to the steps that lead to the life you are searching for.
Feel free to call or email me for a consultation to find out more how I can help you.
I look forward to connecting with you!
Contact Us
Phone: 770-756-7013
Project Hope Bear provides Teddy Bears that comfort children who witnessed or lost loved ones to violence.

AVON CDV Project Hope Bear Fundraiser
I met Linda Olson four years ago at a point of emotional crisis in my life. It was very hard for me to reach out for help and I was afraid that no one could understand my very unique problem (or so I thought). Looking back, I am certain that my introduction to Linda was a miracle of profound healing... Read moreDeborah Spaide
Dr. Olson is a knowledgeable and empathetic psychologist with proven experience working with victims of trauma. As a trauma survivor, she has helped me implement strategies to build healthy thought patterns and self-awareness.Katrina Norman The Mom Chronicle